- An imaginary child representing a concept, usually personifying a puerile or puellile ideal.
- A child who is not physically extant, due to being dead or never having been born.
Compound from English dream + English child.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Dreamtime English
- antichild English
- bedream English
- belchild English
- birthchild English
- boychild English
- brainchild English
- child English
- child-free English
- child-great English
- child-in-law English
- childbearer English
- childbearing English
- childbed English
- childcare English
- childcarer English
- childcaring English
- childed English
- childfucker English
- childhood English
- childie English
- childing English
- childish English
- childism English
- childkind English
- childless English
- childlike English
- childline English
- childling English
- childlore English
- childly English
- childmind English
- childminder English
- childness English
- childproof English
- childraiser English
- childraising English
- childrearer English
- childrearing English
- children English
- childsafe English
- childship English
- childspeak English
- childtime English
- childwear English
- daydream English
- dream English
- dreamable English
- dreamboat English
- dreambound English
- dreamcatcher English
- dreamer English
- dreamery English
- dreamest English
- dreameth English
- dreamfish English
- dreamful English
- dreamgirl English
- dreamhole English
- dreamish English
- dreamland English
- dreamless English
- dreamlife English
- dreamlike English
- dreammate English
- dreams English
- dreamscape English
- dreamsign English
- dreamsome English
- dreamt English
- dreamward English
- dreamware English
- dreamwork English
- dreamworker English
- dreamworld English
- dreamworthy English
- dreamwrapt English
- dreamy English
- foredream English
- girlchild English
- grandchild English
- interdream English
- man child English
- manchild English
- merchild English
- moonchild English
- nightdream English
- nonchild English
- nondream English
- outdream English
- overdream English
- redream English
- saleschild English
- schoolchild English
- semichild English
- stepchild English
- superchild English
- twichild English
- unchild English
- undream English
- womanchild English
- womb-child English
- wombchild English
- wonderchild English
- child Middle English
- dreme Middle English
- drim Volapük
- child
- dream
- dreamy
- dreams
- dreamt
- unchild
- childed
- undream
- childly
- redream
- childie
- dreamer
- bedream
- boychild
- merchild
- childish
- dreamest
- dreamful
- dreamery
- childing
- nonchild
- childbed
- twichild
- childism
- belchild
- children
- dreameth
- dreamish
- daydream
- outdream
- nondream
- manchild
- dreamhole
- childwear
- antichild
- dreamsign
- dreamlike
- dreamgirl
- childkind
- dreamlife
- childmind
- dreamsome
- childsafe
- overdream
- dreamboat
- moonchild
- dreamware
- dreamland
- dreamable
- foredream
- Dreamtime
- dreamward
- man child
- girlchild
- stepchild
- dreammate
- childline
- semichild
- childlore
- dreamfish
- childtime
- wombchild
- dreamwork
- childhood
- childcare
- childling
- childness
- childlike
- childless
- dreamless
- childship
- brainchild
- womb-child
- womanchild
- dreamworld
- childproof
- superchild
- interdream
- saleschild
- nightdream
- childspeak
- child-free
- grandchild
- dreambound
- childcarer
- dreamscape
- birthchild
- dreamwrapt
- childrearer
- childcaring
- dreamworker
- childbearer
- childraiser
- schoolchild
- childfucker
- child-great
- dreamworthy
- wonderchild
- childminder
- childbearing
- childrearing
- dreamcatcher
- child-in-law
- childraising