- (internet) An online event where participants can purchase tokens in a cryptocurrency.
Compound from English crowd (a kind of violin) + English sale.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- aftersale English
- anticrowd English
- crowd English
- crowd-puller English
- crowder English
- crowdest English
- crowdeth English
- crowdfactoring English
- crowdfund English
- crowdfunding English
- crowdlending English
- crowdless English
- crowdlike English
- crowdpleaser English
- crowdsensing English
- crowdsource English
- crowdsourcing English
- crowdwork English
- crowdworker English
- flashcrowd English
- garage sale English
- nonsale English
- outcrowd English
- overcrowd English
- oversale English
- portsale English
- postsale English
- presale English
- resale English
- sale English
- sale-goer English
- sale-proof English
- saleability English
- saleable English
- salegoer English
- saleless English
- saleroom English
- salesbook English
- salesperson English
- salework English
- saleworthy English
- saleyard English
- supersale English
- telesale English
- undercrowd English
- upsale English
- wholesale English
- yard-sale English
- yardsale English
- сейл Russian
- crouden Middle English
- sale Middle English
- 세일 Korean
- sale
- crowd
- resale
- upsale
- nonsale
- presale
- crowder
- saleroom
- crowdest
- yardsale
- salegoer
- saleyard
- postsale
- crowdeth
- portsale
- oversale
- outcrowd
- saleless
- salework
- telesale
- saleable
- salesbook
- wholesale
- crowdwork
- crowdless
- aftersale
- crowdfund
- crowdlike
- overcrowd
- sale-goer
- yard-sale
- supersale
- anticrowd
- sale-proof
- undercrowd
- flashcrowd
- saleworthy
- garage sale
- saleability
- crowdsource
- salesperson
- crowdworker
- crowdpleaser
- crowd-puller
- crowdfunding
- crowdsensing
- crowdlending
- crowdsourcing
- crowdfactoring