- An edited copy of an original text.
Compound from English copy + English text.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Eurotext English
- Teletext English
- Textgate English
- audiotext English
- bitext English
- ciphertext English
- cleartext English
- copiability English
- copiable English
- copier English
- copiest English
- copieth English
- copy English
- copyback English
- copybook English
- copyboy English
- copycat English
- copydom English
- copyer English
- copyfraud English
- copygirl English
- copygraph English
- copyhold English
- copyholder English
- copyism English
- copyist English
- copyline English
- copylore English
- copyparty English
- copyread English
- copyreader English
- copyright English
- copytaker English
- copywriter English
- cotext English
- countertext English
- cybertext English
- cyphertext English
- detext English
- e-text English
- genocopy English
- heterotext English
- hypertext English
- hypotext English
- infotext English
- intercopy English
- intertext English
- intext English
- martext English
- metatext English
- microcopy English
- miscopy English
- monocopy English
- multicopy English
- nontext English
- paratext English
- peritext English
- phenocopy English
- photocopy English
- playtext English
- prooftext English
- recopy English
- retrocopy English
- schizotext English
- scrolltext English
- soft copy English
- songtext English
- sottocopy English
- spintext English
- subtext English
- surtext English
- telecopy English
- teletex English
- text English
- textaholic English
- textbased English
- textblock English
- textboard English
- textbook English
- texteme English
- texter English
- textese English
- textism English
- textless English
- textlike English
- textman English
- textmode English
- textome English
- textphone English
- textpost English
- textshop English
- textspeak English
- textworthy English
- undertext English
- urtext English
- videotex English
- wikitext English
- worktext English
- xerocopy English
- xeroxcopy English
- copy Finnish
- textus Latin
- コピペ Japanese
- コピー Japanese
- テキスト Japanese
- copy Middle English
- texte Old French
- कापी Hindi
- ก๊อป Thai
- copi Welsh
- copïo Welsh
- texter Norman
- quay cóp Vietnamese
- ကော်ပီ Burmese
- 拷貝 Chinese
- kopi Swahili
- técsa, técs Middle Irish
- कापी Nepali
- text
- copy
- bitext
- cotext
- recopy
- copyer
- copier
- intext
- urtext
- e-text
- texter
- detext
- textome
- textese
- copyboy
- teletex
- texteme
- copycat
- copyist
- copiest
- copieth
- surtext
- miscopy
- copyism
- textman
- copydom
- subtext
- textism
- nontext
- martext
- telecopy
- hypotext
- worktext
- wikitext
- Textgate
- paratext
- xerocopy
- spintext
- genocopy
- infotext
- copylore
- copybook
- monocopy
- Eurotext
- videotex
- copyline
- copyhold
- metatext
- textpost
- copyback
- textless
- copyread
- songtext
- textbook
- Teletext
- copiable
- textmode
- textshop
- playtext
- peritext
- textlike
- copygirl
- copygraph
- sottocopy
- audiotext
- hypertext
- textbased
- multicopy
- intercopy
- prooftext
- undertext
- textspeak
- xeroxcopy
- phenocopy
- soft copy
- textphone
- textblock
- photocopy
- copyparty
- copyright
- intertext
- retrocopy
- microcopy
- copyfraud
- copytaker
- cleartext
- cybertext
- textboard
- textaholic
- copyholder
- schizotext
- textworthy
- ciphertext
- scrolltext
- copywriter
- cyphertext
- copyreader
- heterotext
- copiability
- countertext