- A site where coal is dug, including the machinery for raising the coal.
Compound from English coal + English works.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Coalgate English
- Coalite English
- Coalville English
- anticoal English
- battleworks English
- bleachworks English
- brassworks English
- brickworks English
- chainworks English
- charcoal English
- coal English
- coal hole English
- coalbin English
- coalbox English
- coalcutter English
- coaldust English
- coaler English
- coalery English
- coalette English
- coalface English
- coalfield English
- coalfired English
- coalfish English
- coalheaver English
- coalheaving English
- coalhod English
- coalhouse English
- coalie English
- coalification English
- coalify English
- coalless English
- coallike English
- coalman English
- coalmaster English
- coalmine English
- coalminer English
- coalmining English
- coalmouse English
- coalowner English
- coalpit English
- coalplex English
- coalpot English
- coalsack English
- coalshed English
- coalsmoke English
- coaltit English
- coalworker English
- coaly English
- coalyard English
- copperworks English
- deadworks English
- dyeworks English
- enamelworks English
- fishworks English
- gasworks English
- glassworks English
- gunworks English
- headworks English
- laceworks English
- leatherworks English
- limeworks English
- loomworks English
- meatworks English
- millworks English
- noncoal English
- paperworks English
- printworks English
- quenchcoal English
- railworks English
- recoal English
- saltworks English
- seacoal English
- semi-works English
- silkworks English
- skunkworks English
- soapworks English
- steelworks English
- streamworks English
- tileworks English
- upperworks English
- wagonworks English
- waterworks English
- woolworks English
- works English
- cole Middle English
- kolta Tok Pisin
- kwal Hausa
- coal
- coaly
- works
- coaler
- recoal
- coalie
- seacoal
- coalbox
- coaltit
- noncoal
- coalbin
- coalpit
- coalhod
- coalery
- Coalite
- coalify
- coalman
- coalpot
- coalmine
- coalshed
- coaldust
- coalsack
- coalface
- coalplex
- anticoal
- coalfish
- coalette
- charcoal
- dyeworks
- coalless
- coallike
- gasworks
- coalyard
- Coalgate
- gunworks
- fishworks
- coalminer
- railworks
- saltworks
- coalowner
- coalfired
- woolworks
- headworks
- Coalville
- meatworks
- soapworks
- coalhouse
- silkworks
- limeworks
- coalfield
- coalsmoke
- laceworks
- loomworks
- deadworks
- coalmouse
- tileworks
- coal hole
- millworks
- quenchcoal
- brassworks
- upperworks
- coalheaver
- paperworks
- brickworks
- wagonworks
- glassworks
- skunkworks
- coalworker
- semi-works
- waterworks
- coalmaster
- chainworks
- coalmining
- steelworks
- coalcutter
- printworks
- streamworks
- copperworks
- enamelworks
- battleworks
- coalheaving
- bleachworks
- leatherworks
- coalification