- Trillium erectum, a perennial plant of North America with deep-red flowers.
Compound from English birth + English root (dig up, cheer for).
dig up, cheer for
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- afterbirth English
- alumroot English
- antibirth English
- arrowroot English
- balsamroot English
- bareroot English
- bear English
- beetroot English
- birth English
- birth certificate English
- birth-certificate English
- birthchild English
- birthdate English
- birthday English
- birthdom English
- birther English
- birthfather English
- birthgasm English
- birthhood English
- birthing English
- birthland English
- birthless English
- birthline English
- birthmark English
- birthmother English
- birthnight English
- birthparent English
- birthplace English
- birthrate English
- birthright English
- birthsite English
- birthstone English
- birthstool English
- birthtime English
- birthweight English
- birthwise English
- birthwort English
- birthyear English
- biscuitroot English
- bitterroot English
- blackroot English
- bloodroot English
- breadroot English
- chinaroot English
- clubroot English
- colicroot English
- coralroot English
- crinkleroot English
- cross-birth English
- disroot English
- dragonroot English
- enroot English
- fernroot English
- feverroot English
- fingerroot English
- flagroot English
- forebirth English
- freebirth English
- gainbirth English
- grassroot English
- homebirth English
- inbirth English
- interbirth English
- knotroot English
- livebirth English
- manroot English
- midroot English
- misbirth English
- multibirth English
- multiroot English
- muskroot English
- nonbirth English
- nonroot English
- orangeroot English
- outbirth English
- outroot English
- pigroot English
- pinkroot English
- pokeroot English
- postbirth English
- prebirth English
- puttyroot English
- rebirth English
- redroot English
- reroot English
- riceroot English
- root English
- root bark English
- root-fallen English
- rootable English
- rootball English
- rootbark English
- rootbound English
- rootcap English
- rooter English
- rootery English
- rootest English
- rooteth English
- rootfinder English
- rootfinding English
- roothold English
- roothole English
- rooting English
- rootkit English
- rootle English
- rootless English
- rootlet English
- rootlike English
- rootogram English
- rootrot English
- rootstock English
- rootward English
- rootwork English
- rootworker English
- rootworm English
- rooty English
- rootzone English
- roseroot English
- snakeroot English
- soaproot English
- squawroot English
- starbirth English
- stillbirth English
- stoneroot English
- sunroot English
- sweetroot English
- taproot English
- unbirth English
- unroot English
- uproot English
- virgin birth English
- watch-birth English
- webroot English
- wormroot English
- yellowroot English
- root Portuguese
- birthe Middle English
- rote Middle English
- root Chinese
- root
- bear
- rooty
- birth
- rooter
- uproot
- unroot
- enroot
- reroot
- rootle
- manroot
- nonroot
- inbirth
- webroot
- outroot
- rooting
- rootrot
- redroot
- rootlet
- pigroot
- rooteth
- unbirth
- rootkit
- rootery
- sunroot
- rebirth
- midroot
- birther
- rootest
- rootcap
- disroot
- taproot
- rootward
- roseroot
- rootwork
- prebirth
- birthing
- roothole
- soaproot
- rootable
- misbirth
- rootzone
- alumroot
- beetroot
- riceroot
- pokeroot
- rootbark
- birthday
- rootless
- rootworm
- birthdom
- bareroot
- roothold
- nonbirth
- clubroot
- wormroot
- outbirth
- flagroot
- fernroot
- rootlike
- muskroot
- rootball
- knotroot
- pinkroot
- snakeroot
- grassroot
- rootbound
- livebirth
- birthmark
- colicroot
- bloodroot
- birthwise
- birthtime
- freebirth
- multiroot
- coralroot
- gainbirth
- feverroot
- chinaroot
- birthdate
- squawroot
- birthyear
- blackroot
- homebirth
- antibirth
- birthhood
- stoneroot
- birthgasm
- puttyroot
- birthline
- birthsite
- birthrate
- birthland
- rootogram
- forebirth
- breadroot
- arrowroot
- birthless
- birthwort
- postbirth
- starbirth
- root bark
- sweetroot
- rootstock
- balsamroot
- birthnight
- rootfinder
- multibirth
- birthright
- rootworker
- interbirth
- stillbirth
- fingerroot
- yellowroot
- dragonroot
- orangeroot
- birthplace
- birthchild
- afterbirth
- bitterroot
- birthstool
- birthstone
- watch-birth
- birthweight
- biscuitroot
- crinkleroot
- cross-birth
- birthparent
- root-fallen
- birthmother
- rootfinding
- birthfather
- virgin birth
- birth-certificate
- birth certificate