German (Berlin)
- (inorganic compound) lithium tetraborate
Compound from German Lithium + German Tetraborat.
German (Berlin)
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- lithium English
- lithium Latin
- Borat German
- Lithium German
- Lithiumacetat German
- Lithiumaluminiumhydrid German
- Lithiumamalgam German
- Lithiumamid German
- Lithiumbatterie German
- Lithiumborhydrid German
- Lithiumbromid German
- Lithiumcarbonat German
- Lithiumchlorid German
- Lithiumcitrat German
- Lithiumdeuterid German
- Lithiumfluorid German
- Lithiumhexafluorophosphat German
- Lithiumhydroxid German
- Lithiumiodid German
- Lithiumion German
- Lithiumisotop German
- Lithiumlegierung German
- Lithiummetaborat German
- Lithiummetall German
- Lithiummineral German
- Lithiumniobat German
- Lithiumnitrat German
- Lithiumnitrid German
- Lithiumorganyle German
- Lithiumoxid German
- Lithiumperchlorat German
- Lithiumperoxid German
- Lithiumphosphat German
- Lithiumsalz German
- Lithiumstearat German
- Lithiumsulfat German
- Lithiumtherapie German
- Lithiumtitanat German
- Lithiumtritid German
- Lithiumverbindung German
- Methyllithium German
- Natriumtetraborat German
- Tetraborat German
- lithiumorganisch German
- Borat
- Lithium
- Tetraborat
- Lithiumion
- Lithiumsalz
- Lithiumoxid
- Lithiumamid
- Lithiumiodid
- Lithiumniobat
- Lithiumbromid
- Lithiumsulfat
- Lithiumacetat
- Lithiumcitrat
- Lithiumnitrat
- Lithiumtritid
- Lithiumisotop
- Lithiumnitrid
- Lithiummetall
- Methyllithium
- Lithiumchlorid
- Lithiumtitanat
- Lithiumstearat
- Lithiummineral
- Lithiumamalgam
- Lithiumperoxid
- Lithiumfluorid
- Lithiumbatterie
- Lithiumhydroxid
- Lithiumcarbonat
- Lithiumtherapie
- Lithiumdeuterid
- Lithiumorganyle
- Lithiumphosphat
- Lithiumlegierung
- lithiumorganisch
- Lithiummetaborat
- Lithiumborhydrid
- Lithiumverbindung
- Lithiumperchlorat
- Natriumtetraborat
- Lithiumaluminiumhydrid
- Lithiumhexafluorophosphat