German (Berlin)
- indium atom
Compound from German Indium + German Atom (atom, nuclear).
German (Berlin)
atom, nuclear
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- atomus Latin
- Atom German
- Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie German
- Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie German
- Atomabstand German
- Atombombe German
- Atomenergie German
- Atomgewicht German
- Atomkern German
- Atomkraft German
- Atomkrieg German
- Atommasse German
- Atomorbital German
- Atomstrom German
- Atomuhr German
- Atomwaffe German
- Boratom German
- Bromatom German
- Fremdatom German
- Halogenatom German
- Heteroatom German
- Indium German
- Indiumantimonid German
- Indiumchlorid German
- Indiumhalogenid German
- Indiumion German
- Indiummetall German
- Indiumnitrat German
- Indiumnitrid German
- Indiumoxid German
- Indiumphosphat German
- Indiumphosphid German
- Indiumverbindung German
- Iodatom German
- Kohlenstoffatom German
- Metallatom German
- Nachbaratom German
- Sauerstoffatom German
- Selenatom German
- Stickstoffatom German
- Technetiumatom German
- Wasserstoffatom German
- atombetrieben German
- atomisieren German
- atomistisch German
- indiumhaltig German
- indiumorganisch German
- atom Danish
- Atom
- Indium
- Atomuhr
- Iodatom
- Boratom
- Atomkern
- Bromatom
- Indiumion
- Atomstrom
- Atomkrieg
- Atomkraft
- Atomwaffe
- Atommasse
- Fremdatom
- Selenatom
- Atombombe
- Indiumoxid
- Metallatom
- Heteroatom
- Atomorbital
- Nachbaratom
- Atomgewicht
- Atomenergie
- atomisieren
- atomistisch
- Halogenatom
- Atomabstand
- indiumhaltig
- Indiumnitrat
- Indiumnitrid
- Indiummetall
- Indiumchlorid
- atombetrieben
- Stickstoffatom
- Technetiumatom
- Sauerstoffatom
- Indiumphosphat
- Indiumphosphid
- Indiumantimonid
- Indiumhalogenid
- Kohlenstoffatom
- Wasserstoffatom
- indiumorganisch
- Indiumverbindung
- Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie
- Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie