

  • (reflexive pronoun) the accusative short form of the reflexive pronoun себе си, part of reflexive verbs, denoting that the subject is simultaneously the direct object; corresponds to myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
  • (reciprocal) accusative reciprocal pronoun, denoting that the agents perform the mutual actions among themselves; corresponds to each other, one another
  • (reflexive pronoun) reflexive pronoun, part of autocausative verbs, denoting that the referent represented by the subject combines the activity of actor and undergoes a change of state like a patient
  • (reflexive pronoun) reflexive pronoun, part of anticausative verbs, denoting that the subject of the verb undergoes an action or change of state whose agent is unclear or nonexistent
  • (reflexive pronoun) used for passive constructions with transitive verbs and undetermined agent
  • (reflexive pronoun) used for passive constructions with transitive verbs and determined agent
  • (reflexive pronoun) inherent part of an unergative reflexive or reciprocal verb with no meaning of its own, and an obligatory part of the verb's lexical entry


Inherited from Proto-Slavic *sę.






Distribution of cognates by language

Geogrpahic distribution of cognates

Cognates and derived terms